Levels Criteria

In our Primary School section at MACC, students work towards achieving Bronze, Silver and Gold Awards throughout the year.

To achieve a level and receive their award, they must meet a certain level of criteria in accordance with their behaviour. Students meet individually with their class teacher throughout each term and discuss their attitude, effort and conduct at school. We then set goals together for them to work towards.

Please encourage your child to keep on working towards their goals and be the best they can be. This individualised approach means that each child is working towards their own goals and improving where they need to.

The following is an excerpt from our Primary Student Management Policy and explains how and why we use the levels and criteria...

Much research exists on the powerfulness of students understanding the purpose of what they are learning and what they need to develop in their behaviour. It has long been understood that if students are aware of what needs to be demonstrated then they will work tremendously hard towards achieving it.

We operate a level system that encompasses a single Bronze, Silver and Gold Award. Each award has criteria that students must demonstrate in order to achieve a particular level. Teachers will meet with students at least twice per term to discuss progress made toward the criteria. Students and teachers will set goals for achieving criteria at each of these meetings.

To ensure that the award system is spread across the entire school year the following timeframe has been developed.

Terms Given


Terms 1, 2, 3 & 4

  • Written Award presented in class
  • Ice Block


Terms 2, 3 & 4

  • Written Award presented at JS Assembly
  • Movie Afternoon


Term 4

  • Written Award presented at JS Presentation Night
  • Gold Celebration Party

Each criteria is designed to suit the developmental stages of our students for each level. This criteria is discussed regularly with students in their classrooms and with individuals throughout the goal setting time with teachers.

Kindergarten – Year 2 Criteria

To achieve each level students must demonstrate the ability to regularly meet the majority of the criteria below. This needs to be demonstrated to all teachers both in the classroom, playground and all school functions.

Bronze Award

  • Often follows class rules
  • Listens carefully in class
  • Tries to do his/her best work
  • Looks after his/her belongings
  • Finishes his/her school work on time
  • Tries hard to play safely in the classroom and playground
  • Is kind and caring to his/her friends
  • Takes care of school property

Silver Award

  • Regularly follows school rules
  • Listens carefully in class and school activities
  • Always tries hard to his/her best work
  • Always finishes his/her work on time
  • Behaves sensibly and safely in the classroom and playground
  • Is always kind and caring towards others
  • Takes care of his/her belongings and school property
  • Wears the school uniform appropriately

Gold Award

  • Follows school rules and is an outstanding example for others
  • Listens carefully and actively engages in class activities
  • Always completes work to the best of his/her ability
  • Displays outstanding work habits and attitude
  • Completes all class work proudly
  • Always behaves sensibly and safely in the classroom and playground
  • Demonstrates outstanding citizenship in the school community
  • Always takes care of his/her belongings and school property
  • Always wears the school uniform in a tidy manner

We use these posters in the classroom for the students to refer to as a visual that reinforces the various behaviours, as well as a spot to move the students name to as they advance through the levels throughout the year.

Please feel free to utilise these posters as a way of helping your child visualise their behaviour goals and work towards achieving them. It is often helpful to point to each one and talk about what the words say and what that particular behaviour point entails. Giving examples of what to do and what not to do and having the child suggest some examples of their own, can help reinforce this for children in discussions. 

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