Sunday 23 April 2017

Easter Hat Parade

We had a great day on the last day of term. We held our annual Easter Hat Parade along with our Missions Day. It was a very bug and busy day but we all had a wonderful time. Thank you so much to all the families that came to support the day. I would also like to thank Glenn Langston for all the organising he did for our stall, as well as all the other PL's. A special thank you to all the families that bought in cakes. We managed to raise nearly $400 at our Coffee and Cake stall. Well done everyone!

Making our Easter Hats

What a wonderful afternoon we had making our Easter Hats. Thank you so much to all the parents that came in to help the students. You were all busy on the hot glue guns helping everyone. Thank you so much! They look amazing!!

Week 9 Award winners

Congratulations Christian, Cruz and Nash for receiving your awards!

Monday 3 April 2017

Week 10

I can hardly believe we a have reached the end of Term 1. It has been an awesome term and we have one more massive week ahead.

Wednesday we are making our Easter hats from 1.30pm. Parents and families are welcome to come and help us. Please check the app for more details and you may need to fill in the attached form.

Thursday is our Assembly Item. We have been working so hard to prepare our item. Assembly will begin at 2pm and we would love for as many people to come and watch as possible.  Students have been asked to wear denim shorts or jeans and  plain white top. Again, all the info in on the college App.

Friday is our Easter Hat Parade and Missions Day. The parade starts at 11.30amam, parents are asked to sign in at 11.10 and be seated in the MPH. Missions day will start at 12.30. It is supposed to be a beautiful day!

Looking forward to a wonderful end to the term. 😊